Minecraft (2009) Game Icons Banners: Step-by-Step Guide to Design Them Properly

minecraft (2009) game icons banners

Since 2009, when Minecraft was first released, it has transitioned to be a worldwide phenomenon that everyone would like to have a look at instead of being a basic game.

Apart from that, one of the largest non-negligible components in Minecraft is its myriad customization options, which makes it more catchy. This is because when you run this game on any different platforms anywhere, it becomes their must-attraction, which means everyone can’t get away from those icons and banners.

But still, people have a bit less idea about how these amazing Minecraft (2009) game icons banners are chosen properly. So, for that, we are here with this guide through which you will get all the details and get to have a step-by-step look at how to choose and design eye-catching icons and banners for Minecraft. With this, we get to cover a lot of things in the blog. So, let’s get started:

Understanding Minecraft Icons and Banners

Icons and banners in Minecraft are a great way to both present who you are and make your identity known throughout a specific server. From server listings to player avatars, in-game banners for the Minecraft world—more or less anything where only a few of each design would be required.

Minecraft Icons

They can be used as server icons, mods, or personal avatars.

Usually, you will see these tiny photos on Minecraft server lists or in groups where they like to show off what they have been doing with their Minecraft activity. These are usually 64×64 pixel sizes, so you may have to adjust your icons accordingly for a clean and easily recognizable appearance.

Minecraft Banners

Minecraft banners are tall decorative blocks, featuring a field that is highly customizable using dyes. You can go all out designing banners both for in-game use as well as on the server homepage or forum. They can also be custom-patterned in shapes and colours to be a surface for you to express your taste.

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Essential Tools for Icon and Banner Creation

The creation of icons and banners would become good if the proper tools were used. The usage of tools that are amazing does include:

Graphic Design Software


This is the most professional platform where if you design the icons and banners, then you will get to have a keen look at every detail that will make it highly customizable.

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)

One of the alternatives to Photoshop is GIMP, which can be used as powerfully as you would for designing everything else, so Minecraft (2009) game icons banners are sure. It has pixel art-like features, and the appearance of icons and banners looks better for this.


Like others, this is a simple yet effective tool, which can also be used to design Minecraft graphics for beginners, as they will get to easily understand the structure over there.

Minecraft Banner Generators

With this, if you also want to create amazing in-game banners for Minecraft (2009) game icons banners, then you can experiment with patterns and colors in different software like:

  • Planet Minecraft Banner Maker
  • Minecraft.tools Banner Creator

Apart from this, if you want to know how you can choose the right style for Minecraft (2009) game icons banners, then have a look here:

How to choose the right style for Minecraft (2009) game icons banners?

Before diving into the creation process, it is important to know and choose the right style. It’s because it will help you in providing the appropriate information and let you make the right choice. Let’s jump in:

Pixel Art:

Pixel art is the most common style used in Minecraft (2009) game icons banners, given the engineering of the game into blocks. Simplicity is key here. Ensure you stick to a restricted colour palette and spend time producing discernible designs, ones that are distinguishable even at minuscule sizes.

Modern Minimalism:

These modern, shiny icons and banners—clean lines, minimal colour palette—contrast with Minecraft’s busy environments. This one is perfect for servers that want a professional look or content creators.

Fantasy/Medieval Themes:

Icons, with their intricate design work and scrollwork, are heraldic-related images or banners used in medieval themes of Minecraft. A more complex series of patterns This will be slightly detailed and has a niche to whom it can reach out.

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Step-by-Step Process for Creating Minecraft Icons

To create amazing icons for the game Minecraft (2009) game icons banners, there are a few steps that need to be kept in mind, including:

Step 1: Choose Your Size and Canvas

This is the first step, as choosing the size and canvas is important because only then will all the best designs be prepared.

Step 2: Pick Your Theme

After the choice of size and canvas, focus on choosing the theme, as this will give you a proper idea of whether it will go well or not.

Step 3: Sketch Your Design

Now, it’s time for you to start the sketching process to make the icons and banners amazing. If the sketches go well only then further process will take place.

Step 4: Add Detail Without Overloading

If the sketch is finalized, you can mention all the other details without overloading them with proper observation. Apart from this, if you overload it, then everyone will look messy.

Step 5: Save in PNG Format

After the completion of the icon design, you can now save it in a PNG format that will make the image shareable in a better format.

Step-by-Step Process for Creating Minecraft Banners

There are steps even involved in the process of banners. So, for that also, you have to follow proper steps, including:

Step 1: Choose the Purpose of the Banner

This is the most important thing that needs to be cleared in priority because if you have the appropriate purpose, then you will be able to have the banner of the required imagination.

Step 2: Experiment with Minecraft Banner Generators

Before doing anything final, keep an eye on banner generators and try an experiment, as this way, you will get more than one output and you will be able to choose an amazing result. 

Step 3: Consider Symmetry and Colour Balance

When it comes to offering amazing output, keep an eye on considering the symmetry and color balance, and if these are balanced properly, then the game will again become a big hit with new as well as additional changes.

Step 4: Export and Use Your Design

Once you are satisfied with the defined output, you can export it and change the banner of the game; otherwise, you can make the changes at your convenience to have amazing results.


The detail about the game Minecraft (2009) game icons banners gives the idea that if you want to create an amazing outlook for the game through icons and banners, then don’t forget to look at the above information. It’s because it will help you get all the essentials that are required to make the icons and designs in terms of software steps and others.

So, now you don’t have to get stressed about the less information, as we are here to help you through our post and let you make the game more interesting.

Yashik Patel is a Google Certified, Digital Marketing and professional Blogger. He has 7+ years of experience in SEO, SEM, and ORM (Online Reputation Management) field.

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